In general apk file ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) has rating is 8.8 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 356. Total number of five star reviews received 241. This app has been rated like bad by 15 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 10,000+ in google play store ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) located in category Tools, with tags notification and has been developed by MegosApp. You can visit their website not exists or send to them. ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) can be installed on android devices with 2.3(Gingerbread)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights,
report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) apk available on our site: 1.4.0. Last version of ラブライブ!タイマー 〜スクフェスLP管理アプリ〜(lovelive! Timer ~ Scheps LP management app ~) is 1.4.0 was uploaded 2017/03/07
* As of Ver1.2.0, it is no longer available for devices with Android 2.2 or lower. I'm sorry.
LINE stamp of application icon producer on sale!
lovelive! This is an application that notifies you when the school idol festival's LP recovers.
* Depending on the terminal you are using, notification timing may be around.
* Operating the memory management application may cause the timer to stop.
In that case, please do not stop the "Love Live! Timer" operation in the setting of the memory management application.
* If you update while keeping the timer running, you will not be able to enter LP.
Sorry, but please do update after cutting off the timer or push the stop button once after updating. Thank you.
How to use
1. Enter the target value of LP into the target LP - If you want to apply a timer until you can play a song, enter 15 or 25 - If you want to apply a timer to the maximum LP value of your LP Enter the maximum value
2. Enter the current LP
3. Press the Start button to activate the timer
4. Notify by notice when LP is accumulated up to the target value
By applying a timer, you can use LP without waste. Let's make a difference with events using this application!
Application icon production: Mieko
Ver 1.4.0 · Change application icon Ver 1.3.0 · Add preset button You can enter recovery LP value by pressing the button The LP value can be changed from the setting screen ·Bug fixes Ver 1.2.1 · Change notification bar to show scheduled recovery time Ver 1.2.0 · Add scheduled recovery time Ver 1.1.3 · Fixed conflict with other resident apps - Fixed a bug that the timer does not work when launching on a terminal with no screens installed Ver 1.1.1 · Fixed a problem that difference between LP of notification bar and LP input to application is different Ver 1.1.0 Add new function (You can set each from the setting screen) · Added ability to always display LP and remaining time in notification bar - Added a function to sound vibrations and notification sounds after LP recovery Change of specification · Changed so that timer can be set with input of target LP only (It is no longer necessary to enter 0 for the current LP)